This Golf Ball Can't Be Sliced. The USGA Agrees.

Just how well do Polara anti-slice golf balls work? So well the governing body of golf—the USGA—has banned them. Twice.
The first time was in 1981. Four years and hundreds of thousands of sold balls later, the USGA tested the golf balls for themselves and concluded that Polara did, in fact, correct hooks and slices.
Then they promptly added a rule to exclude the “spherically symmetrical” balls that two non-golfing Polara scientists had invented. That’s right—Polara self-correcting golf balls work so well in correcting golf hooks and slices that USGA reacted to them with a rule change.
That rarely happens. Even less so by the hand of an innovative equipment company.
The second “ban” came a year ago. After settling with Polara Golf to avoid an unfavorable anti-trust jury verdict in the ‘80s, the USGA agreed to pay Polara a lot of money in exchange for pulling the golf ball from market for a few decades.
The small company agreed, then returned last year with an even better self-correcting golf ball.
The USGA’s official response: “The description of the (new) ball indicates that it would not conform to The Rules, just as the 1980s version did not conform to The Rules.”
The song remained the same: “This ball still can’t be sliced.”
In fairness, the all-new Polara was never submitted to USGA for approval. We knew beforehand it wouldn’t conform. After all, our innovative dimple pattern technology resulted in the original ban.
But while all Polara anti-slice golf balls are banned from tournament play, they’re certainly not illegal for the vast majority of golf rounds being played.
For recreational play, our golf ball is perfectly legal, along with other recreational golfer practices like mulligans, gimme putts, winter rules and other shot concessions or scramble play formats.
Less than 10% of golfers worldwide have an established amateur handicap; Less than 5% of rounds played worldwide are USGA or R&A sanctioned tournament play. So Polara balls are course legal for 95% of recreational golfer rounds worldwide.
More important than being an acceptable way of playing recreational golf, however, Polara balls actually make the game more enjoyable by improving a golfer's overall game.
Polara Ultimate Straight and Extra Distance balls are all about hitting more fairways off the tee. They are for people who want to be embarrassed less, play faster, lose fewer balls, and enjoy it more.
Had Polara been around in the days of Mark Twain, instead of saying, "Golf is a good walk spoiled," Twain might have exclaimed, "Golf is a lot more fun from the fairway."
To find out which self-correcting Polara golf ball is right for you, read this. Then visit our store for a trial pack or full set of balls best suited to your style of play.
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